We're Better Together.
Why We Give
In the New Testament, generosity is the theme of giving, not just a minimum requirement. It is the realization that everything we have came from God, and everything we have belongs to God. It is the posture of withholding nothing from a loving Father who withheld nothing in sacrificing His only son to save us. What shall we do in response to His great love? In Romans, Paul said, "presenting our bodies a living sacrifice" is a "reasonable service!" In 2 Corinthians 5:15, he says, "...all who live would no longer live for themselves. Instead they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.” It's all in! It's Withholding nothing! It's whatever I have is Yours God! Its whatever it takes to advance the cause of the gospel! It's the essence and the spirit of generosity!
If you are a part of our family, then you know that we value generosity for the sake of the gospel and towards others. If you wish to come alongside the committed group sowing their lives, talents and resources for the advancement of the gospel, you may do so by sowing any amount, as everything sown helps advance the cause. Whatever you purpose in your heart helps to advance the gospel. God sees it, he rewards accordingly, and we are eternally grateful!